Lumba HolzhandelsGmbH
Genger Straße 7
A-4201 Eidenberg
Telephone: +43 7239 8142
Fax: +43 7239 814270
Company Information
Managing Director: Alexander Lummerstorfer, Marco Bancaro, Roberto Bancaro
Tax-ID: ATU44331503
Company Register Number: FN 168902 k
Legal Status: Limited Company
Company Description: Wholesale of all common European coniferous and hardwoods as well as processed wood products, such as glued laminated timber, three-layer boards, etc.
Jurisdiction: Land Court Linz
Local Authority: Municipal Authority District of Urfahr
Professional Association Membership: Chamber of Commerce Upper Austria
In accordance with the E-Commerce Act (ECG), we draw your attention to the fact that emails sent to us are only retrieved during normal business hours and then answered if necessary.
Website Design
R&R Web GmbH, Functional Homepages
All rights reserved
The texts images, graphics, logos etc. provided on this website may not be changed or copied for commercial purposes. We also reserve the right to update or change the information on this website at any time without prior notice.
Photosources: Lumba HolzhandelsGmbH,
Liability notice
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators. The company Lumba HolzhandelsGmbH disclaims all liability for any direct, tangible or consequential damages or any other damages whatsoever arising out of any reason whatsoever in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the website.
No Guarantees
The website has been compiled with great care, but Lumba HolzhandelsGmbH cannot guarantee accuracy, timeliness, and completeness.